Henderson Chamber Of Commerce Begins Search For New President

Henderson Chamber of Commerce President Ellen Redding will retire at the end of 2021 and a search will begin to hire a replacement.

Mrs. Redding started with KYNDLE in 2018 as a consultant to review and analyze the member and sponsorship structure. When the KYNDLE organization transitioned in 2019 to separate organizations of the Henderson Chamber and Henderson Economic Development, Ellen was named President of the Henderson Chamber. Ellen’s organizational and project management skills were essential for the rebranding and growth of the Henderson Chamber as a once again independent organization. Since January 2020, the Henderson Chamber has seen a membership growth of 84 new members, organized the first Opioid Summit of Western Kentucky with attendance of over 300, the first Winter Blues 5K, 55 virtual events, as well as the 17 in-person Chamber signature events.

“Serving Henderson as Chamber President has been a wonderful experience. It has been a privilege and honor to work with business owners and community leaders to help keep Henderson economically strong and viable”, states Ellen Redding.

“On behalf of the Board of Directors, I thank Ellen for her hard work and dedication to serving as our Chamber president,” said Jennifer Keach, Chamber Chair and Director of Communications with Big Rivers Electric Corporation. “Ellen helped to build the new Chamber from the ground up and her leadership has resulted in our Chamber being over 450 members strong. Her efforts have been on full display during the Covid-19 pandemic and have been nothing short of excellent,” Keach said.

A search committee has been formed and is looking for an energetic and passionate individual who can continue to take our Chamber to the next level. Job description information and other details are posted here.

Resumes should be submitted via email by close of business on Wednesday, September 15, 2021, to hendersonchamberpresident@gmail.com.